About Us
Mission,of our Society is to enhance the Employability of Rural poor youth by imparting required skill and trained them and make them part of Success Story of new India. With this Mission, young entrepreneur and social activist Mr. Kailas Adhav, has formed group of likeminded people and formed Dhyeyapurti Seva va Swayamrojgar ani Prashikshan Co-Operative Soc. Ltd. in year 2001 at Nashik. The aim of establishing this institution is basically to improve the life the cycle of rural families.
Objectives of Dhyeyapurti
- To educate and inculcate the habit of regular savings in rural families.
- Generate the funds from members of society for entrepreneur development activities.
- To improve the employability of rural youth by imparting skill development inputs (Training) programs.
- Providing Skill, Semiskilled & Unskilled manpower to Corporates & Industrial Houses.
- As per the Industry trends & market need impart skill development for rural unemployed youth.
- Provide Ambulance services in rural area.
One of the main objectives of our society is to provide skill development training to women and persons of the weaker sections of the society so as to improve their
employability in order to earn a decent livelihood.
Society is having required infrastructure arrangements as well qualified team. All above mentioned activities are executed throughour members only.